Future Insurance

We always try to secure the present, while having our eyes on the future!

The two most important long-term goals that most people have are:


After decades of work, continuous efforts and hard labor, the lump sum or the pension of your individual policy will increase the income of the third and fourth age. This will definitely be needed if your only source of income is your insurance's pension. Let’s not forget that at these ages there is no possibility of increasing income with any employment...

The private pension or the lump sum are needed to ensure a decent living at an age when you will not be able to do anything about it…

Vocational rehabilitation of children

Their birth offers great joy and but also creates responsibilities! Parents’ anxiety about being able to cover the costs of education and/ or vocational rehabilitation of their children, when necessary, decreases with a savings plan.

The collection of a capital after the adulthood of children is an important financial pillar for their vocational rehabilitation. It is the guarantee of a more secure future from the parents and the best gift from grandparents, uncles and godparents…