Group Insurance

The good health of the employees of a company or the improvement of the pension is not just their goal, but it must also be the goal of the employer!

Group plans can provide:

In addition, there is the possibility to include all the members of the family of each employee in the group policy. This, combined with individual big exemption and very low cost policies, is an advantageous solution for complete medical coverage of the employees and their families, with premiums that can meet the financial capabilities of the family.


A good group policy provides more security and confidence to employees, strengthens their appreciation of the company and the bonds with it. It helps in creating a better relationship, which contributes to their efficiency at work, and even functions as an incentive to attracting and retaining good partners.

Group insurance

A good group policy provides more security and confidence to employees, strengthens their appreciation of the company and the bonds with it. It helps in creating a better relationship, which contributes to their efficiency at work, and even functions as an incentive to attracting and retaining good partners.


The insurance of immigrants is provided to citizens of third countries in the context of the process of granting or renewing a residence permit in accordance with the Law 4251/2014 and the Ministry. Decision 53821/2014 (Government Gazette 2962 / 04-11-2014 / Β).

It includes coverage of primary and secondary care in the public health system, as well as compensation in case of Death or Permanent Partial or Total Disability.