Beautiful when you enjoy it, but full of responsibilities and risks, when you travel in it...

Recreational Crafts

Recreational craft insurance covers the obligatory civil liability of the craft owner to third parties, but also the damages that the craft itself and its mechanical equipment may suffer, at sea or on land.
Private yachts or commercial, sailing or motor boats, boats with crew or bareboat can all be insured.

Ships (Hull & Machinery)

Ships of commercial and passenger shipping, of various sizes and without Navigation restrictions can be covered by this insurance. They can be insured from the time of their construction until their dismantling, for damage to the ship and the mechanical equipment.

Furthermore, compulsory insurance is provided to cover Shipowner Civil Liability to third parties and the crew, P&I (Protection & Indemnity).


Ship Crew Insurance covers the Liability of the Shipowner arising from the law, towards the crews working on ships owned by them. It provides compensation after an accident or illness, for:

Primarily the crew insurance covers the amount of the Exemption not covered by the Mutual Insurance Organizations in the Protection & Indemnity – P&I coverage, which covers the Shipowner’s Civil Liabilities to third parties and the crew.

The insurance of ship crews is necessary and crucial for shipowners, as there is no social security fund that immediately undertakes the insurance coverage of seafarers. The N.A.T. (Sailors Pension Fund) is a pension fund, while the “HOUSE OF THE SAILOR” undertakes the care of the sailor, after the ceilings of the responsibility of the shipowner, who is solely responsible for the sailor’s care, have been exhausted.